December 2021

  • Swords and Holidays

    Today is December 25th, commonly referred to as “Christmas”. But I decided I better not take the day off from the blog. Gotta keep up the good habits, you know. With it being a holiday, it makes me think of lots of ideas for ways to celebrate in game, eventually. I’m hoping events can eventually…

  • Rats and Stats.

    We’re coming up on the holidays really fast and pretty soon everyone is going to take a well deserved week or two off. But, before that we already have planned another small update to our Prototype. DotO Prototype 5 has quite a few things added to it, but there’s three main things that really have…

  • Alpha, Beta, and Whatever?

    We were recently asked when we would be in “Alpha” or “Beta”. The short answer is: it’s still too early to tell. Those terms are thrown around a lot with games and they’re really pretty arbitrary. Some games are basically done when they launch their Beta. Some games are really janky when in Beta. The…

  • DotO: Prototype 4 (Part 2)

    It’s time for a bit of a long video. Hope you are ready for some real DotO Content! This video showcases all the updates and lots of gameplay for the current Prototype 4 build of our game. Kel really packed a lot of work into this update and things are really looking good! Be sure…

  • The Puke Rat!

    Hello Dungeon Dwellers! It is again I, Animancer of Movement & Life Nyka! Here with an update and preview of our game’s second mob; the Puke Rat! The Puke Rat is a sewer dwelling mob which finds itself reanimated by the arcane energy seeping down through the earth from under the Obelisk. Of course as…