September 2021

  • Podcast Episode 3

    Joe and Nyka join up this episode to talk about our new sewer background, our new super simple animation process, and our new character creator! Lots of new stuff here at Knob Cat! Hope you enjoy. If you have any questions about DotO, you can send them to Check it out on the Podcast…

  • Characters, Animations, and Obelisks

    It’s Saturday again (for another hour or two) and I’m here for a DotO update blog! A lot has happened in the past week, the biggest thing being our character creator. We can now make a character and use that character to play in our prototype. It may not be a huge thing really, but…

  • The Most Beautiful Sewer

    It’s Saturday, so it’s time for an update blog! I don’t know, can a sewer look amazing? Green slime oozes it’s way down channels in the first few levels under the mysterious Obelisk. Maybe it’s connected to the sewers of Topia? Glub have started pouring out of the sewers and attacking local cats! If only…

  • Podcast Episode 2

    We’ve recorded the second episode of Knob Cat Game’s Dungeons of the Obelisk Podcast! We’re now on a couple streaming services, you can check the updated list here. This episode we meet our Artist, Ben Sigas! We talk about T-Rex wings for a bit. Then we get into what we’re working on in DotO, which…

  • It moves!

    It’s Saturday, so time for a DotO Update Blog! Everyone has been hard at work as usual! With our initial prototype done, it’s now time to turn our attention to the ever exciting world of Data Management! At least that’s what Kel is working on… Hey, don’t worry, it’s the backbone of the game! In…

  • First look at DotO!

    I did a stream yesterday evening and showed of our rough prototype! I mean, it’s pretty basic so far and maybe I shouldn’t being showing this yet. But, I’m really excited at the progress we’ve made in such a short time. When I go live on, I always post in our Discord. Join it…

  • Our First Mob!

    So, I’ve decided to try to blog here every Saturday, so check back when you can. It’s been a busy week here at Knob Cat. I’ve been making lots of executive decisions. Ben has been hard at work drawing EVERYTHING. Nyka has almost finalized our character’s animation rig. And Kel is battling all the scary…