Happy Saturday everyone! I don’t have any specific topic to talk about today, so I’m just going to let you know what everyone is working on this week.

Now that we’ve verified that the rough sketch works well on the game, Ben has buckled down to adding all the details to the stone, planks, and of course slime that fills the sewers under Topia. There’s lots of rooms, but also lots of smaller elements too. Slime puddles, trash, pipes, and crates will fill the mob’s dungeon home.
Nyka has turned her attention to a top secret project. Well, moderately secret. She’s animating the Level 10 dungeon boss. This terrifying creature is going to be kept hidden for as long as we can. Hopefully, you’ll be as excited as I was the first time you see them in the game.
Tj is always crushing bugs and polishing little details on our to-do list. Currently, all known bugs have been fixed which I think is an impressive achievement on its own. Nice work Tj!
Besides the bug fixing, he has also started working on our store. This was the next logical step for us since adding functionality to consumable items. Now we need the place to actually get those items! It’s looking really good so far, but I don’t want to show any pictures yet. There’s things that still need worked out, like the prices for things, that I’m not fully comfortable sharing yet.
Lastly, I made an update video that’s now on my YouTube channel. You can check it out here:
I hope that’s enough of an update for you today! We’re hard at work and can’t wait till the day that everyone can enjoy this game. See you on the next Saturday update blog!
Executive Prime