Whoa, I really slacked off on doing these blog updates… but we’re not here to discuss that. The last real blog post was a year ago. And, wow! We have done so much in a year.
The most asked question we get is, obviously, “When can I play DotO?”. The short answer is As Soon As Possible.

The longer answer is; we have been waiting to get all the basic features that are needed to fully enjoy the game. Everything that deals with the server has been a huge hassle and took way longer than we had thought! That being said, all features are finally in the game, but some still need a bit of polishing.
We hope to open a “Test Realm” soon where we can let members of the discord in to help us hunt for those game breaking bugs. The “Test Realm” will be completely deleted before the real game goes live. That means it’s purely for testing and you won’t be able to keep your progress. It also mean items in the shop will be free to purchase so that everything can get fully tested.
We’ll post more of the ins n’ outs and rules n’ regulations of testing once the “Test Realm” is actually live. So what’s stopping us from doing it right now? Well, legal stuff mostly. We have to meet with our lawyer in January and get all that good stuff squared away before we can make anything public.
And for those that stuck around to read this whole post, here’s a little preview of the cosmetic reward items that bug testers will receive…

And with that, that’s a pretty good update, right? Hopefully, we’ll all be fighting Glubs in the sewer’s of Topia real soon.
Executive Prime at Knob Cat Games