It’s Saturday again (for another hour or two) and I’m here for a DotO update blog!
A lot has happened in the past week, the biggest thing being our character creator. We can now make a character and use that character to play in our prototype. It may not be a huge thing really, but it’s been super exciting for me to see my dream game starting to take shape. Thanks Kel!

Another really cool thing is that we have animations too! So once we make that character, we can see it walking around in the dungeon, bobbing as it stands still, and actually swinging the sword as it attacks! Thanks Nyka!
The last thing I want to tell you about this week is these couple “rough” sketches. Ben did these as concepts for the Obelisk. While none of them truly fit my vision yet, I still think they’re each incredible. We’re going to keep pushing on and refining this idea and hopefully showing you another obelisk in a future update! Thanks Ben!

Thanks so much for stopping in for my Saturday DotO update and I’ll talk to you again next week!
Executive Prime